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Colégio Paula Soares

Page history last edited by Mara Tavares 12 years, 1 month ago

C.E. Paula Soares

Ana Maria Rhodes da Silveira

Sílvia Maria Sieben Martins

Cátia Zilio

Eloisa Domingues

Carmen Santos

Ieda Coelho

Lia Mara Hahn Rosa

Teresa Olovate

Maria Angela Cestari

Renata Fortes

Allysson Arthur Roque dos Santos

Vanessa Navarro

Maria Helena Carvalho Soares

Mara Angelica de Oliveira Gomes

Nara Alves

Carlos Eduardo Silva Gonçalves

Luiz dos Santos Diefenthaeler

Patrícia Flores Gonçalves

Maria Helena Dalla Nora

Fabiane Krause

Ricardo Scaf Resing

Maria Celeste Arruda


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